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How To Install Mod Auth Kerb For Windows

There are two different modules available which provide Kerberos functionality: mod_auth_kerb and mod_auth_gssapi. mod_auth_kerb is much older, but has more detailled log messages you can use for debugging

How To Install Mod auth kerb For Windows

As noted above, Apache does not itself provide support for SPNEGO but it can be added using the module mod_auth_kerb. This is included in most major GNU/Linux distributions, but because it is a third-party module it is usually packaged separately from Apache. On Debian-based systems it is provided by the package libapache2-mod-auth-kerb:

A keytab is a file for storing the encryption keys corresponding to one or more Kerberos principals. mod_auth_kerb needs one in order to make use of the service principal created above. If you are using MIT Kerberos then the keytab (like the service principal) can be created using the kadmin command. Its ownership must be such that it is readable by the Apache process.

Apache must be told which parts of which web sites are to use authentication provided by mod_auth_kerb. This is done using the AuthType directive with a value of Kerberos. Some further directives are then needed to configure how mod_auth_kerb should behave.

The AuthName directive specifies the HTTP authorisation realm. Its purpose is to indicate to the user which of the various passwords he might know is needed to gain access to a particular web site. With true Kerberos authentication there should be no password prompt, and mod_auth_kerb appears to work perfectly well without an AuthName having been specified; however the Apache documentation states that it is required, so it would seem prudent to supply one anyway. A suitable value might be the domain name, the name of the Kerberos realm, or the name of the organisation to which the web site belongs.

In addition to the SPNEGO protocol, mod_auth_kerb has the ability to ask the user for a password using basic authentication then validate that password by attempting to authenticate to the KDC. This can be useful if there is a need for the web site to be accessible to its authorised users from machines that are not part of the Kerberos realm, however it is significantly less secure than true Kerberos authentication. Both SPNEGO and password authentication are enabled by default. In this example there is no requirement for the site to be accessible to non-SPNEGO-enabled web browsers, therefore password authentication has been disabled using the KrbMethodK5Passwd directive. For completeness, SPNEGO has been explicitly enabled using the KrbMethodNegotiate directive.

As noted above, mod_auth_kerb has the ability to request a username and password from the web browser using HTTP Basic Authentication, then check whether that username and password are valid using Kerberos. This approach has three serious drawbacks compared to true Kerberos authentication:

This risk can be greatly reduced by using TLS (SSL) to secure the connection. This prevents a connection from being hijacked once it has been established, and prevents a server from accepting connections to a web site for which it does not have a valid certificate. It is not a perfect solution because of the large number of organisations that can issue certificates. There is a solution which uses channel binding to link the TLS key to Kerberos, however at the time of writing it had not been widely implemented (and is not supported by mod_auth_kerb).

This will create the final file and install it under /usr/lib/apache2/modules, with the rest of the Apache 2 modules (the size of the file and last modification time shown below may differ from your install):

To refer to the Windows authentication plugin in the IDENTIFIED WITH clause of a CREATE USER statement, use the name authentication_windows. Suppose that the Windows users Rafal and Tasha should be permitted to connect to MySQL, as well as any users in the Administrators or Power Users group. To set this up, create a MySQL account named sql_admin that uses the Windows plugin for authentication:

The plugin name is authentication_windows. The string following the AS keyword is the authentication string. It specifies that the Windows users named Rafal or Tasha are permitted to authenticate to the server as the MySQL user sql_admin, as are any Windows users in the Administrators or Power Users group. The latter group name contains a space, so it must be quoted with double quote characters.

No password is required here. The authentication_windows plugin uses the Windows security API to check which Windows user is connecting. If that user is named Rafal or Tasha, or is a member of the Administrators or Power Users group, the server grants access and the client is authenticated as sql_admin and has whatever privileges are granted to the sql_admin account. Otherwise, the server denies access.

These two settings disable the use of password based authentication for Kerberos v5.Users will not be allowed to type a password here, there must be passthrough auth with kerberos. If authentication fails, the user will never reach the website, this is what is normally required.

If there is a need for the web site to be accessible to its authorized users from machines that are not part on theKerberos realm, you may let mod_auth_kerb ask the user for her password using basic authentication and thenvalidate that password by attempting to authenticate to the KDC. Please note however that this is significantly lesssecure than true Kerberos authentication:

The following is an example of mod_auth_kerb for Apache being used to easily implement XWiki authentication of users via HTTP Negotiate on a linux server. This example assumes you already have a working Apache2 HTTPD and Apache Tomcat setup with mod_jk.

Keytabs can be created in windows by using ktpass. A keytab is a file that contains a Kerberos Principal, and encrypted keys. The purpose is to allow authentication via Kerberos, without using a password.

Preface Since Windows 2000 a Windows domain controller (DC) is able to act as Kerberos "Key Distribution Center" (KDC). This makes kerberized applications able to authenticate against a Windows domain via GSSAPI/Kerberos. Using mod_auth_kerb the Apache webserver is able to use Windows domains as user database and to do authentication not only via basicauth but also via WWW-Negitiate using GSSAPI/Kerberos. That means the browser does not send username/password to the webserver but a Kerberos ticket (wrapped into a GSSAPI-token) instead. See =/library/en-us/dnsecure/html/http-sso-1.asp for a more technical description, RFC4559 "SPNEGO-based Kerberos and NTLM HTTP Authentication in Microsoft Windows" for the exact specification.

If you have run the ktpass correctly the enctype in ticket and keytab is - for example - DES-CBC-MD5. If your ticket's enctype differs from keytab's enctype (one is enctype RC4, the other DES, for example) mod_auth_kerb will not work! If possible prefer RC4 over DES because the experts say (I am no one) DES is weak.

to test your keytab, the HTTP entry in the Kerberos DB, andyour Kerberos configuration on the web server. Make sure it's theright "kinit" if you have installed a separate Kerberos build for useby mod_auth_kerb.

controls if your webserver uses BasicAuth with KDC as userdatabase. I always set this to off to get rid of annoying messages in Apache errorlog during debugging sessions. In a productive environment you can set it to on to allow non-kerberized webbrowser authenticate by BasicAuth (against KDC acting as userdatabase instead of passwd file)

You should estimate the limit for your environment based on the max possible size of the Kerberos ticket -us/help/327825/problems-with-kerberos-authentication-when-a-user-belongs-to-many-grou. Please note that increasing the limit may have impact on your server security (e.g. DDoS attacks).

I have a NAS server with multiprotocol enabled. And i need the windows clients access the SMB shares through Kerberos authentication protocol as NTLM authentication protocol is disabled on the windows clients.

The fine print: mod_auth_kerb requires you to setup an AD user account with ticket delegation authority for each HTTP domain (eg. if there are 10 domains on the web server, you will need to setup 10 user accounts).

mod_auth_kerb/ngx_http_auth_pam uses HTTP Basic authorization which has noconcept of login/logout. Emulate logout behavior by changing the Logout pageto send a 401 (works for Chrome), run proprietary IE code (works for IE),and make an Ajax call to a non-existing page with bad credentials (works forFirefox).

The RT root user can't log in while Kerberos password authentication isenabled because of the way mod_auth_kerb/ngx_http_auth_pam works. So, youmust first log in with Kerberos credentials to create a user from Kerberosand grant superuser rights on it.

The latest versions of our SSH Client additionally support storing host key information and client authentication keypairs in an SSH Client profile. This means that you can copy the contents of the SSH Client installation directory to a USB key, insert the USB key into another computer, and run the graphical SSH Client as follows:


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